Bald Eagle

Photo of Bald Eagle


Scientific Name: Haliaeetus leucocephalus

Range: Canada and Alaska, contiguous United States, and northern Mexico

Food: Fish, other birds, mammals

Life Span: 20-30 years

Majestic. Our national symbol has distinct white feathers on its head — as an adult. An eaglet has dark brown feathers that don’t turn white until the eagle is four or five years old. The bald eagle prefers fish, so it lives near large lakes. This protected bird is making quite a comeback in North America. If you want to see one, many lakes in Oklahoma offer opportunities to see wild eagles in the winter.

Did you know? The bald eagle builds a massive nest. It returns to the nest each year, adding sticks. Nests have been seen the size of small cars and weighing up to 1,000 pounds!


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